The daily vitamin and mineral requirements for athletes is far greater than those of the average sedentary person. This is a truth, but there are so many other myths floating around out there...

For example, the widely-held myth that 'if a little is good, more is even better'  is simply not true when it comes to vitamin and mineral supplements. Also, they don't provide energy, but are rather required in small, measured amounts to maintain good health and aid optimal performance.

But, all of that you already know. Below are you few things you might not:

1. MYTH It is not possible to overdose on vitamins and minerals.
Supplements taken in excess, such as chromium Vit C, iron, fat soluble vitamins ADEK, and vit B6 may cause unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects.

2. MYTH Natural is better.
Your body does not recognise the difference between factory produced and vitamins extracted from a food or plant source.

3. MYTH As a serious runner, supplementation is essential for performance.
There is overwhelming evidence that performance is only enhanced in cases where existing deficiencies are rectified.

4. MYTH Time-release supplements are better.
In theory, protein-coated supplements should take longer to dissolve and slow down absorption. There is little evidence that this is the case. Rather save money and take supplements with meals, as the protein, carbohydrate and fat in a meal will delay the absorption in any case.

5. MYTH Only women are at risk of calcium and iron deficiency.
Men that limited their daily food intake, do not engage in weight bearing exercise and participate in sports that involve jarring (e.g. running and mountain biking over rough terrain), may also be at risk.

*image: Kayla Maurais on Unsplash