Winter is soup season here in South Africa, and that is great news for athletes - if there is an easier (and tastier) way to pack heaps of health into a single serving, we have yet to find it. 

Good old butternut soup is the default go-to of many, and why not, it's easy to prepare, full of nutrients – including beta-carotene and the B-Vitamins – and, perhaps most importantly, super tasty. 

Here is out basic version:



Sauté the onions in the butter and olive oil until soft. Add butternut, apple and carrots and fry off for about three minutes. Add the stock and seasoning and simmer on low heat, covered for 20 minutes to half-an-hour. Liquidise and serve. To take it to the next level, pre roast the butternut and carrots in the oven.

With coriander and pumpkin seeds.