In MY ASICS, Fast Runs and Pace Runs are tailored to develop your ability to run faster, consistently. It’s important to perform these runs correctly to benefit from the full training effect.

Each MY ASICS training session has a guideline pace range. This gives you the option to follow the faster pace if you feel fit, or reduce your pace if it’s too tough.

The guideline paces for Fast Runs and Pace Runs are both designed to be above your AT Pace. They should challenge you, stimulating your legs, heart and lungs more than other training types.

Learn more about AT Pace and training efficiency

Fast Runs

Fast Runs are designed to build respiratory fitness and leg strength. You’ll find them in the Getting Faster phase of MY ASICS, where they prepare you for longer distances later on in your plan.

Fast Runs are at an effort level just above AT Pace. They should challenge you but not be very exhausting. You should still be able to maintain a good posture.

The most important part of a Fast Run is to keep your pace consistent. You may be able to start at a high pace, but if you cannot maintain it for the full distance the training will be of less value. It’s better to choose a slightly lower pace and then really maintain that for the full session.

The more you run, the more you will develop a feeling for pace and know what you can manage.

Pace Runs

In the Going Further phase, Pace Runs are focussed on developing your pace discipline.

These runs are on or slightly above your AT Pace. They should be slightly challenging, but they are primarily about maintaining your pace over a longer distance. As with Fast Runs, try to run your Pace Runs at a pace you can manage for the whole distance.

Pace Runs are crucial for half marathon and marathon runners as they help you develop the stamina required to maintain a racing speed over a long distance.

MY ASICS is about efficient training. Start your training plan today