"I love participating in races," says FrontRunner Carla West. "It gives me a clear fitness goal to work towards and a killer adrenaline rush!" Carla races both 5K and 10K races, and has completed a 24km Strong man run. This year however, her goals are set on a few half marathons.

Whether you're a Parkrunner, or aiming to complete a 10km or half, here are Carla's tried and true tips to crush any race with confidence!!


The first step is to find a race that interests you. There are various types of races all across the country (and the world) from themed runs to gorgeous coastal paths! Or my personal favorite, trail and obstacle course runs.  Plus, when you commit to a date and register, you’re in it! You’ll be more likely to stick to your training schedule, which means elevating your fitness level. After you’ve signed up, the event coordinators will send out frequent emails to get you excited for race day.

If this is your first 10K, begin training 5 – 8 weeks before the race starts to slowly build endurance and decrease risk of injury.

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A good pair of running shoes is crucial to prevent injury and increase performance during training. If you already have a pair that you love, perfect. If not, we recommend you snag a new pair early on in training. Allow for time to break in new shoes with shorter runs and walks instead of testing out a new pair on race day. A new pair of shoes on race day can be painful, and that’s definitely something you want to avoid. (Read my review of the ASICS Gel Nimbus 20, here).


Even if this is your first 10K, it’s important to switch things up so you’re including a variety of workouts. Hills, sprint intervals, and long runs are all essential to add into your routine. These workouts help build strength and endurance faster than just running on a treadmill without incline. If you don’t have a hill to run on, use a treadmill on varying inclines. Most treadmills have pre-set inclines to mimic a hill workout!  This is perfect to add in once a week for sprint intervals. I recommend a variety of 2 – 3 running workouts a week while training for your 10k.

It’s also important to include strength training a few times a week. Make sure to still work every muscle of your body (even your arms!).

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At the beginning of a race, adrenaline is pumping and your initial instinct will be go full force from the get-go. Don’t do it! While it’s great to feel confident, pacing yourself is a must. Our tip is to start the first half slower than you think you can run. Even if you feel energized, hold back at first, then run as fast as you want during the second half. It’s better to end strong than feel depleted after the first half and stop or not be able to finish at all.

Above all, enjoy every step of the race! You’ve worked your booty off and it’s important to give yourself the props you deserve for putting in the effort!