Improving your performance should always be the goal of serious runners. But how do you break through the pain barrier and increase your speed…

Once you’ve been running for a while, it might feel like your performance is starting to stagnate. You’ve built yourself up to a good speed – so the next step is going faster.

Speed running – what is it?
It’s the logical progression for runners who have been going for a while. Going faster than ever before means pushing yourself beyond what you’re used to. You leave your comfort zone and start to feel new muscles aching. The reward is that you’ve never run faster.

To do it, you need to analyse your training and the gear you’re using…

Remember your personal best
When you’re trying to increase your speed, keep in mind your personal best. It’s a crucial element of getting faster and faster. The hours, minutes and seconds are a record of how fast you have been – and how much faster you want to be.

Use MY ASICS to log your times and analyse your performance

Set yourself a target
Going faster is easier if you have a goal in mind. You might want to aim for a better time in one of the classic long-distance races. Here are landmark times for the 10k, half-marathon and marathon.

10k – under 40 minutes
Half-marathon – under 90 minutes
Marathon – under 3 hours

Going below these times might mean going faster than you’re used to. But that’s part of battling yourself and overcoming your own limits. With faster times comes the satisfaction and joy of knowing you’ve never been quicker.

Get the right gear
As you improve as a runner, you may need to change your running shoes. Depending on your running style and chosen distance, different shoes may suit you better.

Track your progress
The more you use MY ASICS, the more it gives back. Updating your running performances gives you statistical analysis that can inspire you and help improve your times.

And once you’ve logged your times for some time, you can see how much faster you’ve become.

The next step, of course, is trying to go even faster…

Start recording your times with MY ASICS