Our top tips for getting - and staying - motivated

If you’re not motivated, it’s almost impossible to get going on a new activity. Try some of our top tips for getting going with walking.

Get a pedometer
A pedometer counts the number of steps you make, and it’s amazing how quickly you are motivated into increasing the number of steps you take each day!

Get a dog!

If you are a dog owner, you are likely to walk twice as far as someone who doesn’t have a dog - dogs are great company too! If you don’t own a dog, you could always help out a relative or neighbour by taking theirs out for them - even better, take it out with them!

Walk with friends
Walking with friends will help you motivate each other and make the walk a bit of a social occasion - a healthy alternative to the coffee and cake morning.

Wear layers
Temperature control is as vital in walking as it is in running, so wear plenty of layers that you can take off if you get hot or vice versa – so you are always walking at a comfortable temperature.

Carry a water bottle
Being properly hydrated stops you flagging and keeps you alert, so always carry a water bottle to keep yourself during your walk - whatever the weather.

Wear the right shoes for walking
The ASICS walking shoes are specifically designed for the purpose of walking and keep your feet comfortable as well as fatigue and blister free. 

Warm up
Warm up by walking for 5 minutes at an easy pace then do some simple stretching exercises to take your joints and muscles through the range of motions – then you are ready to start walking in earnest. Try these for some easy stretches.

Have a walking plan

Work out how many times you are going to walk each week and for how long – then stick to the plan. Keep a walking diary to monitor progress and increase time and frequency as you progress. Don’t forget to take rest days, as taking on too much too soon can end up doing more harm than good.

Have a favourite walk

Having a favourite walk or circuit that you are familiar with will allow you to enjoy the walk more as you’ll be walking in a familiar comfort zone and be able to relax and refresh your mind as well as your body.