Tapering is a common training term for the final phase of training before a race or virtual event. It's the final piece in the puzzle to help you arrive at the start  line in peak physical (and mental) shape. 

Here’s how to taper off your training effectively and responsibly, so you’ll appear at the starting line in optimal shape.

For a marathon or longer-distance trail races the tapering phase usually starts about two weeks before, but for shorter races the final week is the important one. 

The general rule is to reduce your running volume and intensity while maintaining your speed work. In other words, you want to spare your body and save all your strength for the race, but at the same time you want to keep up your speed.

"With my upcoming Addo 100-miler the focus has really been on making sure I'm well rested," says ASICS trail runner Matt Healy. "Basically my taper is about doing shorter sessions, making sure the legs are ticking over but also sharpening up at the same time," he says. 

Matt's philosophy to tapering (especially for ultra endurance events) is to be fluid with his training and listening to his body and then responding accordingly. If you're planning a taper ahead of a bigger race goal, here is what you need to know:


• Rest well. Pay particular attention to resting in this phase. Your body needs the time to recover and heighten the training effect of your active sessions. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, too.

• Do what you can. You may feel that high-paced training is difficult in this phase, but don’t be disheartened: your body is tired from all the training. Just do what you can and then rest.

• Work on your focus. During these last sessions, train yourself to stay focused even when you are tired. You will need this skill to race well. Click here to learn more about visualising your race effort.

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You may also want to use the tapering-off phase to improve your diet. Chances are you’ve already started living healthier during your training plan. But in the last phase before your race, consider taking some extra measures. Giving up junk food and alcohol completely in this phase will really pay off on race day. Some more thoughts on nutrition in the countdown to race day, here.